Update 20th, Feb 2023
Bogota, Colombia

About Us

The Institute for the Evaluation of Quality and Health Care-IECAS, created in 2010, offers consulting, research and academic training services. Under a multidisciplinary perspective, It creates innovative solutions that respond to the needs of the health sector.


We are a group, recognized and categorized by the Colombian National System of Science and Technology, Colciencias , made up of researchers and academics from the Health Sciences and Human Sciences with experience in the field of public health, epidemiology, economics and health management, statistics and medical informatics.


Institutional Mission

Contribute to the development, organization and improvement of the Colombian health system through the management, application and generation of knowledge under the principles of quality, effectiveness, safety, equity and transparency.

Institutional Vision

In 2026, we will be recognized as an institute of excellence in research, consulting, and academic training that contributes to clinical, organizational, institutional, and political decision-making in the health sector, at the regional and national levels.



Analysis of Decision Making

We create tools and design models that contribute to decision making and choices to achieve goals and objectives in the health sector.

Our offer of services and experience: .
  • Impact assessments.
  • Stochastic models applied in decision making.
  • Simulation models applied to operations research.
  • Health Technology Assessment.
  • Prioritization of alternatives and definition of objectives and priorities.

Health economics

We develop research, technical studies, economic evaluations and health policies.

Our offer of services and experience: .
  • Research in health financing, insurance and labor economics.
  • Tools for health risk management.
  • Econometrics applied to health problems.
  • Cost-illness studies.
  • Design and evaluation of health policies.
  • Studies of impact on the budget of health interventions.
  • Economic assessment studies.

Measurement and analysis of information

We develop measurement tools and instruments that make it possible to rigorously evaluate the information and data on specific health activities or interventions.

Our offer of services and experience: .
  • Design and application of measurement instruments.
  • Validation of scales (Satisfaction, quality of life, other attributes).
  • Management data analysis and planning.
  • Indicator design.
  • Health survey center.



Clinical and population research

We design research methodologies and adequate studies that allow the solution of practical problems and the generation of new knowledge in the health sector.

Our offer of services and experience: . .
  • Development of protocols, guides and clinical pathways.
  • ASIS design for clinical and population settings.
  • Design of health surveillance systems.
  • Design and conduct of clinical and population research.
  • Evaluation of clinical effectiveness and safety.
  • Development and impact evaluation of health programs and strategies.
  • Synthesis of biomedical literature.

Health Services

We develop and implement strategies and interventions to improve the quality, coverage and effectiveness of health services.

Our offer of services and experience: .
  • Analysis of health policies, strategies and plans.
  • Assessment of access, quality and coverage of health services.
  • Evaluation of results of health services and systems.
  • Impact assessment of the policies, strategies, programmes and plans of the health sector.
  • Methodological support in the planning and organization of health networks and services.

Academic & Professional Training


Education and communication

Through the offer of non-formal education courses: we develop, update, complement and strengthen skills and knowledge in health.

Our offer of services and experience: .
  • Training aimed at human talent in health and users of the health sector.
  • Scientific writing and editorial management.
  • Evaluation of scientific abstracts and manuscripts.

Our Customers

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